Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

I won't really call this a review, because I am more confused about it than I was the last time I read the book. This book will leave you (or it left me) utterly devastated, lonely and hateful. Not to mention confused. It is a beautifully written book though. It shines while depicting complicated emotions. And the dialogue! Even though I don't care for a single character in this story, I listen when they talk. Also, the setting Wuthering heights and Thushcross Grange and the moor is so great. I have way too many tinfoily theories about that place. The only character I have strong feelings about is Nelly and I hate her. There is a huge conversation about her being the unreliable narrator too. And I really liked where Catherine ended up. Not the state but the place. Trying really hard to be spoiler-free. I think I need more time and re-reads to make conversation about the themes of trauma and love etc. in this book. To be honest, I don't know what I read, but it did make me feel extremely agitated, so I guess it's truly good literature. As a good piece of literature is supposed to make you feel heightened emotions. That's not me! Plato said it. Also, I don't think he meant it in a positive way. All I can say for sure is that it's a classic and everyone should experience it at least once.